Sunday, July 6, 2008
New York, New York
As I was walking around NYC I was more concerned about getting lost, pickpocketed and how much further I had to trek to the next stop. What I wasn't taking in was the architecture, culture, history, stigma that is NYC and what it was like to be in that city as it was attacked on 9/11, I regret that now being home. That city is truly a world within itself, I wish I had taken the time to soak it in more, appreciating the little parts of each area of the trip, Chinatown, Little Italy, the subway, the Wall Street district, etc. Our visits to the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty and seeing PJ in MSG was really amazing but to know that there was so much more to see and so much more that I missed, in some sort of jacked up way makes me want to go back and soak up more of the madness.
What I do appreciate is the time that I spent with Josh, Teresa and Colin and of course my wife. I appreciate the meals, the experience of special sight seeing memories, the chance to see PJ twice at MSG, and the opportunity to share yet another life memory with my wife. These all are important to me and I am really blessed to have the opportunity to experience of our NYC trip. No more vacations for a while, perhaps Cabo for our Anniversary in October....
I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend, till next time, may the days bless you with happiness, prosperity and financial freedom!
War Cubs '09, Red Raiders '09 and only two more months till football season!!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
This One Goes Out To....
Josh and I went to see R.E.M. this week at Red Rocks, while I have always LOVED R.E.M.'s music and have been a fan for years, this is just another band that I really wish would just STFU sometimes. I have seen my fair share of concerts and shows over the years and there is really nothing more that pisses me off than hearing the political bullshit run out of bands' mouths' while they are on stage.
I am sorry, I pay my hard earned dollars to hear them play music, sing, dance, body surf, swear, etc. not hear their political opinions and montra. I am not sure why these people think they have the right to standup deface, run down America and its leaders (like them or not) in front of 20,000 people and get away with it! It really amazes me. Michael Stipe and Eddie Vedder are not going change my views and how I am going to vote at the ballot box during any election, period. Please... I didn't hear the crap during shows from the true classics; Sir Paul McCartney, The Police, James Taylor, Van Halen, KISS, MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice. I certainly don't expect to be subject to it from REM, Pearl Jam, The Dixie Chicks, or anyone else...
Guess, what Stipe, you have the same number of votes I have every four years, ONE and I really could give a rats ass how and what you think about the war, Bush, Iraq or anything else non-music related! Please stand on stage, sing your hits, dance around like an h-mo, yell in your megaphone and give your fans a good show! Please! Is that too much to ask? I don't think so.
Here's to the Patriot Act, Free Speech and to these ridiculous public figures that think they can and will sway votes with their uneducated, misinformed poltical dialogue, please kiss my big fat ass!
Peace and God Bless the Denver Thong Bandits!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Fastforward One Month....
Katie and I spent the Memorial Day weekend at the ranch in Mason. We had a nice lunch with my parents in Fredricksburg on Saturday and a great time with Katie's parents all weekend. It was a beautiful and hot weekend at the ranch, Katie's folks are really gourmet cooks and the food is amazing, we swam in the pool each day we were down there and I made a serious dent in the beer fridge!
Katie's school year ends next week on Thursday, she has to work another 2 weeks in the school office, then she is out for 2 months. She is due for some R&R and a couple small projects around the house.
Work and the busy season is finally here. The transition to Mayflower has gone really well and our business is growing. I am trying to play golf at least twice a week, the course is getting in PRIME shape and for what I pay each month to belong to the club if I don't play it isn't worth it. My handicap is still at 14 and my game is too erratic, I never take the time to practice. I guess I shouldn't expect perfection without practice time. I enjoy getting away from everything and just getting on the course and take my mind off of the day to day crap.
I am really looking forward to my trip to Denver next week, Josh and I are going to see REM on Tuesday night. I have seen a TON of concerts ranging from Steely Dan to Metallica and REM is one band that I have always wanted to see live. I love old REM stuff, I hope they play a bunch. Seeing a show at Red Rocks is also going to be a treat.
Sadly, there isn't really a band that I can think of that I am dying to see that I already haven't. What does that say for mainstream music? What does that say for me? Am I that out of the loop? Maybe, but I don't think it is too much to ask for a group of good musicians to play some good tunes that I can at least understand the damn words?! Hell, maybe I am just getting old, who knows....
Well kids, no lyrics, no videos in today's blog, perhaps next time I'll give that a shot! "Stay tuned!"
Cubbies still #1 in the NL Central and looking strong! How much longer is Sweet Lou going to play Edmonds in center and watch that old shithead make out after out after out after out after out! His batting average seriously has to be below .100, I have watched a ton of games lately and I don't think I have EVER seen him get a single damn hit! I digress.
Hope all is well. Keep it real. I 'm out.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Well, as most of you know I currently work for Daryl Flood Allied, as of May 1st at 12:01am we become an agent for Mayflower Transit in the UniGroup system. The employees are excited about the new opportunity. We are 80% finished painting and decaling 275 pieces of equipment, business cards are ordered, new forms are in the office and the anticipation of getting on with the switch is overwhelming!
The picture above is Mr. Bruce Snyder, the Allied Van Lines 2006 National Account Sales Person of the Year in full Nascar Mayflower uniform! We had our annual drivers conference in January and the sales and marketing folks from UniGroup brought this Nascar outfit down for a raffle. Somehow Snyder gets a hold of it before the raffle, runs to the bathroom, strips down and gets in this suit! Needless to say it was his after that!! The next Monday, Bruce jumps in that suit and goes out to our first DF - Mayflower trailer and gets this picture taken. Funny stuff, no telling what Bruce is going to do minute to minute, no kidding!
Life is good, busy and ready for a busier summer! I hope all is well with everyone else!
Stay cool, drink cold beer and GO CUBBIES!! This is the year baby!!!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!

Happy Easter y'all! (pronounced with the Paula Dean accent) I hope every one had a nice Easter Sunday. Katie and I just got back from the ranch down in Mason. We had a great weekend with Paul and Judy and our friends in Mason. I made my first pilgramage to church this year, First Methodist Church of Mason, interesting service....
Katie was in charge of the appetizers for today's Easter dinner, she made some salmon dish and then this cheese metorite/bowling ball/Easter bunny! I swear this was the biggest cheese ball I have ever seen in my life, it was heavy and wierd looking, hard to describe. I think a little disappointed with the appearance, Kate went immediately into elementary teacher mode and started making a bunny out of the cheese ball! I think it turned out pretty cool and had to post a pic.
On a separate note, today Cody much like Jesus rose from....well, we're not sure where! Cody cat was missing since Thursday night when Katie let him out of the house. He was missing till the wee hours of this morning when Judy was thinking and praying about Cody, low and behold he started meowing at their bedroom door outside! Cody cat is back in the hizzy and Judy is a MUCH happier person because of it!
Best Easter wishes from our house to yours!
War "PB Specials" and the two cold beers I left in the mini-fridge!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Spring Break.....
My apologies, I digress.
Has anyone figured out how the Israelites shaved themselves thousands of years before any sort of razor was invented? Not I, feel free to discuss.
Fortunately Kate and I are back to 100% and healthy again. I had a month from the beginning of February to the middle of March where I felt like total crap. First it was the congestion and cough, which took like 5 weeks to get over the cough. Then last week I got the stomach flu. That was the worst stomach flu I think I have ever had. I have never thrown up like that in my life, miserable. I could have shit through a screen door from 20ft! Cranking on all 8 cylinders now, thank GOD!
Headed to the Texas Hill Country down to the ranch this weekend with Kate and the pups for a well needed rest and break from the real world. We both feel so relaxed and away from the junk of the real world when we are down at the ranch, alone and with just hanging out with each other. If you have been there, I think you'll know what I mean. Easter with the Branch and Brannies family is going to great, really looking forward to it.
I seriously think the Cubs are going to KICK ASS this year. The core of the team is back and with the addition of the left handed bat in the lineup with this Japanese dude named Fukedome, it is really going to be tough to pitch around Lee and Ramirez. I think Wood will win the closer role and the bullpen is going to be SOLID with Marmol. Marmol is a freaking animal. I hope he didn't pitch too much in the Dominican in the winter league. Cubs in the Series this year, will they win it all? Who knows.....
OK enough rambling. Happy spring break, war Cubbies 2008....
Drink a beer, I'm out...
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Who in the hell is.....
I've been sick and feeling like garbage for the past week. Any activity over and above normal and neccessary have been kept to a miniumum. I honestly might think of a flu shot next year because this sucks.
Bible update: Numbers chapter 12. Tough reading but still enjoying it. I am a couple days behind in my reading because of being sick, I'll catch up this week.
Off to eat a bowl of chili and settle into a relaxing evening at the hizzy.....
Drink a beer for me, going to be a couple more days I think till I am ready for another one...