Monday, January 21, 2008

One More Game......

One more final football game in the 2007-2008 season, what a bite. It has been a good season both in college and NFL I have to admit. My Bears plummeted to the depths of hell, but the Red Raiders had another good season with a great bowl win and finishing #22 in the nation. I am going to miss football season till August, no question, we do have a great baseball season coming this spring with the Cubs putting the best team on the field that they have had in years. My final football game Superbowl prediction..... Pats 27 Giants 17. LOCK IT UP!

Life is FINALLY back to normal! Lazy weekends, beer, wine and pizza on Friday nights and a chance to sit in front of the TV and watch Anthony Zimmern eat donkey testicles on the Travel Channel. FREAKING WONDERFUL!

I am still working on my New Years resolutions as well! I have made it to the gym several times this month riding the bike 10 miles each time, felt good to get a good sweat in. I am still reading the Bible as well, I have made it through the book of Genesis and in the 12th chapter of Exodus right now. I highly recommend The Daily Walk Bible. I had no idea those dudes lived as long as they did, nutty. How did they shave back then (yes, they did shave)? Did they have razor blades? Think about it, come up with an answer let me know......

I finally pulled the damn trigger and bought a HD LCD flat screen set yesterday from Abt Electronics out of Chicago. Great prices, free shipping and NO TAX! Check this place out if you are in the market for some high end electronics, you'll love it. Should be here this week. Verizon FIOS installed next week just in time for the S-Bowl. Looking forward to that HD action baby!

I love how the Democrats are pissing each other off and beating their own party down, Bill and Billary vs. Obama. Brillant. Don't these people realize that the bickering and politcal BS that they exhibit in the campaign just shows the American voter how they act when they are in office? I am all for a good debate but this is starting to get a personal tinge to the conversation. Chuck Norris is a moron too running his mouth off for Huckabee about how old McCain is, shut up Chuck and go roundhouse someone ya jackass.

Go Pats, live, love, forgive and drink beer. American Idol is great.... "I AM YOUR BROTHER!!!"

Gotta bail....more to follow soon...drink up.
