Sunday, February 17, 2008

Who in the hell is.....

Amy Winehouse? You know, I consider myself to be pretty diverse with a good appreciation for different types of music with some decent knowledge of the well known musicians, but I have no idea who this chick is and better yet why her music would win like 4 Grammy's? Are you kidding me? I don't think her stuff is that bad or is the worst thing I have ever heard, but really is it THAT good to win 4 Grammy's? I don't think so. I put money on the fact that we won't even hear who this freak show is in another year......

I've been sick and feeling like garbage for the past week. Any activity over and above normal and neccessary have been kept to a miniumum. I honestly might think of a flu shot next year because this sucks.

Bible update: Numbers chapter 12. Tough reading but still enjoying it. I am a couple days behind in my reading because of being sick, I'll catch up this week.

Off to eat a bowl of chili and settle into a relaxing evening at the hizzy.....

Drink a beer for me, going to be a couple more days I think till I am ready for another one...



Luke...Heidi...Brooke....Jake said...

Still trying to understand why I just read a blog about Amy Crackhouse. I need rehab.

Anonymous said...

Winehouse went apeshit at Lollapalooza when we were there. Thankfully we didn't see or hear any of her. I think she is the Euro version of Britney.


Ahhhh....NO....she is NOT a britney clone!!! I happen to like her, go figure, but the 4 grammys is a little too much I would agree. Keep up the bible reading and DON"T get a flu shot!!! yo mamma.

Anonymous said...

I'd put her music just above Brit's, both of which would rank just below COUNTRY in my music collection. Neither worth the air they get cuz they can't hang.